May 8, 2024


As in almost all cities, in Madrid background noise follows you all day, always combined with others that interrupt and disturb. As you progress on your path, you lose energy and patience. It is quite difficult to come across oases, refuges from the hustle and bustle, quiet areas where you can hear your own footsteps or those of others. They are not easy to find, so if chance unexpectedly puts you on your way to one of these oases, you are in luck. One of those oasis in Madrid is between Paseo de Extremadura and Avenida de Portugal, which ends at Manzanares. There, Calle de la Obertura forks into Calle del Preludio, which in turn gives access to Plaza de la Suite and Calle del Concierto. Against all odds due to their names, the absence of ambient noise is a brief invitation to listen and enjoy the unexpected silence. Laws not written, but applied naturally and automatically to maintain a necessary tranquility, stillness and harmony and to which it is so easy to get used.

Mara Martin Matilla. Madrid

Is Ana de Armas in a ‘reality’?

Ana de Armas tells that during the filming of Blonde the crew was in period dress so the director could use everything she did between takes in the final cut of his film. Was the actress in a reality Or did they hire her to play Monroe with her own resources? A woman under the pressure that de Armas has endured must have the safe space to vent between takes without her having to tolerate her real fear being used on screen. The actresses are not the director’s toys, although many still think so.

Aida Rebordinos. Madrid


The World Cup that will be played in Qatar this 2022 has led to the Danish team wearing the shield of the same color as the shirt in protest of the conditions to which that country subjected the workers for the construction of the stadiums. Is it ethical for FIFA to host a World Cup in a country that does not respect human rights and, to top it off, for this organization to campaign for respect? And isn’t it hypocritical for the Danish national team to protest, but for all their players to go to the World Cup?

Daniel Linares Puyo. Alcorcon (Madrid)


I understand that your newspaper should not set limits a priori to what a contributor can write in his opinion column. But surely your newspaper sets limits a posteriori to what can be published on it. In her column last Saturday, Nuria Labari not only aligns herself with the most reactionary sectors of our society by denigrating assisted reproduction techniques, but also directly incites hatred towards all children born by surrogacy. Completely inadmissible. I will proceed to process my withdrawal as a subscriber to her newspaper immediately.

Juan Mora Lopez. San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante)

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