May 8, 2024


The petó between the two characters has scandalized the censors of some countries, guardians of the morality of their present correspondent.
The petó between the two characters has scandalized the censors of some countries, guardians of the morality of their present correspondent.

According to certain canonical works of Neoplatonism, there are three types of petons: the primitive, the metaphorical and the transcendental. The one who has had the most success at the end of the season has followed the primitive. Fer-se petons primitius with someone that you like, that s’ha rentat les dents and that you don’t have visible herpes is neoplatonic, com a mínim.

Ara anem to the moral casuistry there is a headline that will leave me perplexed: “Two cotxes is able to kiss, but two nights are not”. Això down from the controversy that has caused the new Pixar movie, Lightyear, on appear a petonet between two gifts. The cotxes that he mentions are from carsan other production of Pixar on the homes and the women circulate in the lane that they enter and not by the vorera, aixafant Disney princesses.

Remember that we are in the 21st century and note that the memory of the time in which we lived is disturbing. As if the weather behaves in a capricious way while sleeping and is dedicated to arrossegar-nos, sovint, cap a llocs remotes. Like this: the petó between the two characters has scandalized the censors of some countries, guardians of the morality of their correspondent present. I already have the animated film forbidden to the countries of the other times, the one that they have recoiled during the night of the anys.

In another plaza of events, practitioners of the weather here have attended the cinema with a point of curiosity. Some (here I exaggerate) have visited Perpinyà with their planes to unload a stone from the wall cleat that the time was fair to carry around. Que els ho diguin a ells: el temps pesa como un burro mort. Per això ens cal viure, convé agafar músculo per traginarlo.

But turn to lightyear i aturem-nos: us adoneu that we went to the cinema to certify a petó? What sort of power do you see, above all, in the company of the children? We are proud to note that that best concrete exists here and now. Being spectators of a gesture that lasts hundredths of a century in the film in order to feel representatives of an advanced civilization: we are the inhabitants of a world who have lived the authentic present of all those who are donating now. I tota la càrrega se’ns alleugera amb aquesta fal·làcia: som millors que els altres perquè tolerem petons entre personas del mateix sexe en un ficció; We are millions because we do not gosem or think about the past, that they have been here and do not like it; We are millors because we think that we think about the future.

The lights in the room are on. I threw the pot buit of crispets into the sorted container to compensate for the escampadissa that the children have left on the ground. As l’estiu s’hi lenda, aneu a fer un gelat. A ball of maduixa, if we plau. Yes, the one for two euros and mig. And a tovallonet, thank you. The girl is spread out on a bench while she wears the pink roundel between them. Li dius: “Seu com una senyoreta!”. She obeys you, there she pleases you. The rewards with a petonet at the front, one of the most present. I call you n’adones: she and you are also dues dons dins a petó that speaks of love and the weight of your time over you.

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