May 5, 2024


It is paradoxical how the human body, which has required centuries of evolution, is what most quickly adapts to the fashions and trends of the moment. Of course, the anatomical evolution, as far as buttocks are concerned, receives various aids today: from plastic surgery to butt lifter jeans brought by the Latino migration, going through the fitness cular, intended to sculpt granite buttocks. There are already modalities like the body pumphe cross fit or the GAP (buttocks-legs-abdomen), essential to join the Kardashian club, because the rearguard has become the new female sex symbol that even threatens to banish the eternal and legendary breasts.

But in this most difficult society it is still not enough to have a great tambourine, you have to show it to the world and know how to move it. For that he was born belfiea self-portrait of the final part of the back, which begins to overshadow the selfie, just like the twerking and the perreo. YouTube is full of tutorials that teach you how to move your ass independently; at the same time that they connect areas of our brain, already atrophied due to our evolutionary transition to bipedal mode, with muscles of our buttocks, until now unnecessary to spend 10 hours a day sitting in front of a desk.

But why this meteoric rise of asses as representatives and trustees of the sex appeal female? For Dr. Orestes Fernández, plastic surgeon in the area of ​​body surgery at the Instituto de Benito, in Barcelona, ​​”today, it is artists and celebrities who are changing these trends. In this case, we can say that Jennifer Lopez started it years ago and the Kardashians have expanded it. Finally, a body reminiscent of a Brazilian woman has become fashionable, which generally does not have much of a chest but does have powerful buttocks”.

A singularity of the ass is that it is unisex and that everyone has one, regardless of their sex and gender, so placing the attraction in this part of the anatomy is more sympathetic to the philosophy queer and gender fluid, as well as being much more profitable. According to Dr. Fernández, “most of the implants that are currently done are breast implants; but it is followed by buttocks, which are not exclusive to the female gender, since many men also demand them, especially people within the LGTBI collective. He also highlights: “Another phenomenon that is growing a lot is that when a patient, whether male or female, undergoes liposuction, they ask that the fat that we have removed be placed on the buttocks, trying to give the ass a shape.” more upturned.”

Ass I see, ass I want, seems to be the thesis defended by this surgeon. Years of watching videos of reggaeton, bachata and other Latin and African rhythms have accustomed the retinas to great asses that throb to the rhythm of the music; And of course, few want to join the ranks of semi-rigid folder-asses.

Cover of 'Paper' magazine starring Kim Kardashian in 2014.
Cover of ‘Paper’ magazine starring Kim Kardashian in 2014.

“In global society, white-straight-Caucasian is no longer the majority. Thanks to migrations there are more colours, tastes and bodies”, says Delfina Mieville, a sociologist and sexologist with a practice in Madrid. “Therefore, those bodies that I cannot indoctrinate, I buy. I can’t with the gays? I create a whole range of aesthetics and services. Can’t I nullify the Latino population? I create things to sell to them and make them my customers. Who would have told us, 40 years ago, that we would wear backwards caps, face tattoos or basketball jerseys that look like long dresses! Who was going to tell us that we would forget our rigid dances in favor of salsa or bachata! The buttocks, back then, were a symbol of fertility; now they are just another product of the market, in a capitalism that sells everything”.

On the other hand, focusing sexual attention on the ass refers to our most primitive side. Animals, when excited or in heat, sniff their rears, which share the vicinity of their sexual organs, and copulate from behind, except for our first cousins, the bonobos, who do it face to face.

According to Sylvain Bosselet, French psychologist, philosopher, writer and author of Petite philosophie du cul (Little Philosophy of the Ass) (Bréal publishing house)humans took a long time to to stand upright and the anatomical consequence of this resulted in a round buttocks (unlike the other great apes) as a means of muscular locomotion and prolongation of an S-shaped vertebral column. Verticality hid the female genitalia and the impossibility to detect, with the naked eye, the state of availability of the woman. The generous breasts became, then, an indicator of fecundity and the ability to breastfeed the young; but large hips and buttocks were also related to greater ease of calving and a reserve of fat, necessary for the long rearing of children or to survive the lean times.”

Large hips and buttocks have been linked to easier childbirth in women.
Large hips and buttocks have been linked to easier childbirth in women.Zhihao (Getty Images)

But the butt also refers us to a non-reproductive sexuality and, therefore, prohibited for a large part of human history; in which religions and prevailing morality denigrated romps without consequences. Anal sex was the back door to premarital sex for women who wanted to be virgins at marriage. The ass as a place of pleasure and pain. There, anything but a reproductive act can occur.

In this context, and according to Bosselet, “the buttocks gain prominence to the detriment of the breasts; Since they are detached from the act of having offspring, they are common to both sexes and, symbolizing fertility for centuries, keep their exciting nature. “Asses could be a return to brute nature and our bestial origins. The phenomenon could even be interpreted as a feminine strategy to conquer a greater plot of power in the macho society. The male desire for female asses brings men to their knees”, says this philosopher using the symbol that the breasts are at eye level, while to touch or kiss a butt you have to bend down a bit. The rearguard is also more connected to a more impersonal, less romantic sex, where the other is not seen and where there is no face to face. Or, it may be related, as Delfina Mieville points out, with “more risky practices, typical of BDSM, and the attraction of everything that has to do with having someone on your back, whom you cannot see or control.”

Fashion history books agree that troubled times like volume silhouettes. Perhaps we are returning to the model of past centuries, where the rich were overweight (a sign of wealth and opulence) and the poor were thin. Even upper-class clothing exaggerated their contours, as did the pads worn by women in the eighteenth century to prolong their buttocks, called butts either rumps (in English) and culs (in French). Perhaps the rotund buttocks are saying, in morse code, that the barns must be filled because hard lean times are ahead.

Rita Abundancia is a journalist, sexologist and author of the web

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